Tuesday, May 28, 2019
"When I was your age....." "Hi _____, I'm dad! " "Ask your mother." Isn't it hilarious how dads always seem give the same few quips and bits of advice no matter what you throw at them? While fatherhood seems to come with some standard pieces of wisdom ("Money doesn't grow on trees!"), that doesn't mean you should resort to giving your ol' man the same standard gifts year-aft
Continue Reading >Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Mom's are the ultimate selfless multitaskers. Even though it's the farthest thing from effortless, they can somehow help the kids with their homework, make dinner, plan a birthday party, and fold laundry while simultaneously volunteering at the humane society, coordinating the next family vacation, and working a full-time job, all with total grace and thoughtfulness. We
Continue Reading >Wednesday, February 13, 2019
From the Ultimate Driving Machine to handcrafted coffee to unparalleled historical sites, Spartanburg County has it all. Spartanburg is home to friendly people, innovative businesses and stunning natural resources, each combining to make Spartanburg a place like no other. There's Only One. Spartanburg. Coffee, Breakfast & Books The Hub City Bookshop, a Downtown Spa
Continue Reading >Monday, October 15, 2018
Sure, taking time off work is great for unplugging and resting your overstimulated brain, but not everyone is content to sit on the couch for hours on end watching TV. So while binge-watching all the episodes you’ve been waiting to see does sound pretty fantastic, we know that learning something, keeping your mind engaged, and exercising parts of your brain that you may not o
Continue Reading >Tuesday, July 31, 2018
We're starting to get really excited for the the FEI World Equestrian Games™ (WEG) coming to the Tryon International Equestrian Center (TIEC) September 11-23, 2018. Much like the Olympics, this sporting event is held every four years and is beloved by people the world over. But while the event is well known within the global equestrian community, non-riders may not be
Continue Reading >Wednesday, March 28, 2018
Written by Hope S. Philbrick The Hub City steps up as a hot destination that’s easy to explore on foot. There's a boom happening in Spartanburg, South Carolina. Construction is underway on multiple downtown properties, from new buildings to renovations, to expand retail, office and residential spaces. But don’t wait to visit: There’s already much to see and do in th
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